Charles Sturt University 2021 Distinguished Alumni Awards Finalists

Dynamic Zenergy CEO, Alumni Awards Finalists within "Service to the Community" Category

The Dynamic Zenergy CEO was one of the finalists at the Charles Sturt University (CSU) Distinguished Alumni Awards in 2021.

When CSU found out that CPA Australia featured Melinda Stevenson's career in their Facebook post on 1st April 2021, CSU asked her to submit the nomination for the 2021 Alumni Awards.

The Plumtree CEO nominated her for the 2021 Alumni Awards. The article below is an excerpt of the Charles Sturt University Alumni Office email sent on 1st July 2021, when CSU announced the finalists for the 2021 Alumni Awards.
Charles Sturt University 2021 Alumni Awards

Charles Sturt University - Alumni Awards News Article (Published On 25th June 2021)

The video below is the Alumni Awards News article published by Charles Sturt University on 25th June 2021, featuring the Dynamic Zenergy CEO as one of the finalists.
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