Exit & Succession Planning

Are you a ready to retire in the next 3-10 years?

Our proven methodologies make exit planning easy by using a range of assessments and diagnostic tools to structure the exit and succession planning process and keeping the clients accountable with a shared dashboard using an award-winning cloud-based software system.

33% of business owner-managers are relying either on a sale of their business or continuing family business ownership as a source of funding their retirement.

55% do NOT have a strategic plan.

48% do NOT have a business plan.

(source: The MGI Australian Family and Private Business Survey 2013)

According to Exit Planning Institute:

Only 20% of businesses that get listed on the market will actually be sold.

Only 30% of family businesses transition successfully to the next generation, leaving 70% of owners without solid options to maximise the retirement income they can obtain from the business and to ensure continuity of the business into the next generation.

75% experience "profound regret" within one year of exiting their business.

An owner who is "ready" with an attractive business:

  • Greatly increases the chance that the business will survive when it transitions to their future successor.
  • Maximises the wealth they create upon exiting the business which they could utilise to fund their retirement lifestyle.

When business owners were not prepared when they sold the business, they lose tens of millions of dollars each year in retirement income.

Do you want to avoid being part of the statistics that experience not having enough to retire on from selling the business?

It is advisable that the exit and succession planning process should be in place at least 12-36 months prior to the time when business owners are expecting to exit the business to help achieve a more potentially favourable outcome from selling the business.

Our exit planning and value enhancement program provides the structure and automate the exit and succession planning process that help business owners understand what it takes to build a valuable and saleable company using a simple 12-module methodology and a cloud-based software system.

We assist business owners to build value in their company, to help them transition out of the organisation and to successfully exit the business by using a simple structured process to follow.

What you get with our exit & succession planning services

  • Use a step-by-step process that guides the client through the whole exit and succession planning process.
  • Create an exit plan that clearly lays out the client's goals.
  • Use a range of tools and award-winning cloud-based MAUS Business Systems that help to grow the value of the client's business.
  • Identify gaps and provide recommended action plans to help clients increase the value of the business to achieve their desired exit and succession planning outcomes.
  • Use audit processes with client questionnaires to produce comprehensive exit and succession plan reports.

The Benefits Of Using Our Service

Using MAUS for succession and exit planning, you will be able to determine the 2 most critical aspects of your business:

Business Attractiveness


Exit Readiness

exit & succession planning

Personal Readiness

Are you ready to exit the business from a personal and emotional perspective?

Our Top Priorities

  • Determine how ready you are personally to exit the business
  • Determine your ideal timeframe taking into consideration personal financial circumstances
  • Consider post exit plans e.g. retirement, new ventures, etc.
  • Calculate optimum level of annual income needed to maintain lifestyle

Financial Readiness

Are your financially ready to exit the business?

Exit Planning, Personal Readiness & Business Attractiveness Questionnaire

Your Exit Planning Success in 3 Easy Steps. Start Now. Complete the free questionnaires.
MAUS Business Systems exit planning

The MAUS methodology has been recommended by the Exit Planning Institute in the USA and the Institute of Exit Advisors in Australia. MAUS is the leader of exit planning solutions in Australia and the US.

Institute of Public Accountants
Certified Professional Business Advisor
Institute of Advisors
Safewrite Affiliate
Maus Accredited Partner

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.