Your Business Success Program

Who Needs Business Coaching or an Advisor?

Just as coaching is an essential part of achieving a great sporting career, why shouldn't your organisation have access to this same level of owner support which has become essential for running a successful business.

Working in partnership with you, we can:

  • Simplify issues for you when it all seems too complicated
  • Encourage you to focus on your goals and achieve them
  • Challenge you when you need to be challenged
  • Cheer you on when you need motivation

Benefits of our coaching program

  • Increased business value
  • A positive effect on your profit margin
  • More time out of the business to do the things you enjoy

By utilising our services, it could be one of the best investments you ever make!

Who Needs 'Your Business Success Program'?

Our business success coaching program is for you if you answer 'yes' to any of these questions:

Are you a slave to your business?

Many business owners and managers find that the ideas and motivations they had originally to start the business have disappeared. They are realising that they have just created another job for themselves. We could help you to work on your business instead of in it so could focus on developing your business as an investment.

Do you have a plan to sell the business?

Your business is an investment that you could potentially double in value every few years. If your business is appropriately managed, you could make more money from selling your business compare to what you will receive from annual profits. We could help you to develop a step-by-step action plan to assist you in building your business and prepare an exit strategy.

Identified the problem but not sure where to go next?

Many businesses find it easy to identify the problem but solving it is another matter. We could assist you to uncover the underlying issues and get your business growing.

Want to give your business a boost?

If you are looking to improve your business, we could help you to:

  • Increase the value of your business
  • Prepare your business ready for sale
  • Identify strategic direction
  • Increase your sales/profitability
  • Improve employee productivity
  • Target new business opportunities
  • Achieve your goals
  • Give you more time to do the things you enjoy

About Peter Hickey (Founder of MAUS and President of, Institute of Advisors)

Peter Hickey Your Business Success Program

7-Step Your Business Success Program

Our coaching program follows the proven 7-steps that has been mastered for over 20 years to take your business to the next level. It will work for your business!
your business success
The 12-month Business Success program for small to medium-sized businesses follows the 7-step success methodology training which is simple, hands on, effective and practical.
your business success

How Does The Program Work?

your business success program
your business success program

What will you receive when you sign-up?

your business success program

MAUS Hub Award-Winning Cloud-Based Software

MAUS Hub All-In-One simple and easy to use cloud-based software for small to medium-size businesses.

See What Our Clients Have To Say About Us

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client testimonial dynamic zenergy
client testimonial dynamic zenergy

About MAUS - Coaching Program Publisher

MAUS software is trusted by over 60,000 businesses across over 55 countries across over 230 industries. The software and business systems have been used in over 30 universities and training institutions.

The MAUS brand has dominated the small to medium-sized enterprise market for over 20 years and is still seen as the benchmark of excellence.

About Peter Hickey (Founder of MAUS and President of, Institute of Advisors)

Peter Hickey Certified Business Advisor Program

The free training shown below is part of the Your Business Success Coaching Program.

Peter Hickey (Founder of MAUS and President, Institute of Advisors) reveals the 3-secret formula to achieve business success.

You will discover proven strategies to grow your business successfully.

Image Source: Institute of Advisors and MAUS Business Systems.

Free Training from Peter Hickey (Founder of MAUS and President of Institute of Advisors)

Do you want to discover the secret formula for business success?

Peter Hickey (Founder of MAUS and President of the Institute of Advisors) reveals the 3-secret formula to achieve business success in this free training part of the Your Business Success Coaching Program.

In the training, Peter shares his story as to how he started a business with no funds and no capital. He grew the company into a multi-million dollar business and sold it to a multinational. Peter provides proven strategies about growing your business in this training.

How Does Your Business Success Program Works?

You might be wondering, how does Your Business Success Program works? How is it different from the free training available on YouTube? This video outlines the differences between working with a coach or an advisor as opposed to watching free content on YouTube.
For over 20 years, MAUS is trusted by over 60,000 businesses in over 55 countries across over 230 industries. MAUS is used by over 30 training institutions.
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